Car Loan Interest Rates and Interest Comparison Rates

Car loan interest rates can be complex animals, but they are something that you should k now about when financing a car used car loan. Buying a new car can often be considered an exciting time, and indeed for most people happens only every few years. Such a major purchase requires a good deal of research and planning, since once purchased, you are often committed to a long-term purchase arrangement.

While initial decisions will likely focus on preferred makes, models, and perhaps most importantly of all, the actual budget available to spend, a time will come when the loan becomes the only thing on your mind. Many people choose to obtain car loans in order to finance the purchase of their vehicle, and this will inevitably involve an even wider range of factors which will need to be considered carefully.

Many people are reasonably happy with considering aspects of a car loan such as total price paid, monthly payment, length of term and whether to opt for a lease arrangement or a straightforward loan. Unfortunately, one of the critical aspects of any car loan or lease agreement that is ignored, or at least only glanced at with little regard for its consequences, is the interest rate which will be charged and the frequency with which these charges will be calculated and accumulated.

Perhaps the main reason for interest rates to be so widely ignored it is because of the widespread confusion in understanding the implications caused by even a fraction of percent difference between or one rate and another.

On the first of July 2004, new legislation was introduced in Australia that forced credit providers, loan providers and finance brokers to provide a comparison rate whenever an annual percentage rate was advertised. Since annual percentage rates can be calculated in at least a dozen different ways, each of which will result in a significantly different end cost being incurred, this was almost certainly the main cause of the widespread ignorance and confusion relating to the calculation of interest rates and the impact of interest rates on the eventual repayment of the loan.

The interest comparison rates which must be advertised by all credit providers and finance brokers must, by law, take into account every possible fee and charge which could be included in the loan. This legislation does not simply cover the purchasing of cars and vehicles, but is extended to any credit arrangement, from the relatively small all the way through to mortgages. This enables those who are borrowing money to finance a purchase to be very clear as to which company is actually offering the best rate.

For typical car loans, the interest charged will be calculated on a daily rate, which means that customers need only take the standard interest rate and divide it by 365 to be able to identify the amount charged per day. This interest will accrue daily and each month will be charged and thereby handing to the total balance due. It is important to be aware of the significant difference that only one or 2% can make when looking for a car loan.

For those people who have a good credit rating a typical finance rate over a five-year period should be around 8.99%, although clearly this is likely to be variable depending upon the general economic situation. However, loans are available for car purchase at anything up to 12.6%, generally for those with a poorer credit record. As usual, those that find it harder to pay are charged the most. Whilst this may only appear to be two or 3% difference, over the course of the five years this represents nearly $8,000 more.

It is also worth bearing in mind that when you are looking to purchase a new car the interest charged may be either initially or entirely set at 0%. Imagine purchasing a car that is brand new and which costs $15,000. Whilst this may seem too expensive, opting to purchase a used car at around $13,500, even at the very low rate of interest of 7% you would actually still be paying more than the purchase of a brand new car would have cost you.

The terms of a car loan are usually very explicit and as long as payments are maintained in full and on time there no penalty charges can be added, meaning that the interest will be the only charge that can be added to the eventual cost of the loan used car loan interest rates. However, it is important to be aware that with any car loan, should you make late payments or fall behind with your payments, you are almost certain to incur late payment charges.

These may well vary from one company to another, and although you should not be entering into a loan agreement if your financial circles stances are uncertain, it is also wise to be aware of the charges that would be incurred should you fall behind with your payments, and ensure that these are not extortionate.

An aspect of car loans which is generally standard across all brokers and finance providers breaks, the fees for which vary very little. As long as you enter into a car loan agreement fully aware of the comparison car loans interest rates, the eventual cost to you assuming all payments are made on time and no extra charges are incurred, then you should be in a position to be able to make a sound decision regarding not only which company you choose to obtain your finance from, but also the maximum value of car which you can realistically afford.


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