Have You Ever Wondered How To Get Facebook Likes and Use Them To Your Advantage?

For those of you who want to find out how to get Facebook likes, this article will prove to be a golden nugget Acheter des membres facebook. So, is there life after a like on Facebook? Don't be surprised if I tell you that yes, there is - and plenty of it!

If you bare with me until the end of this article, not only will you find out how to get those much-desired likes (and how to increase your number of followers, of course), but you will also discover ways to leverage those followers to your advantage.

Shortly put, in the first part you will get all the info you need to start collecting 'em likes, and in the second part you will learn how to convert an inactive follower into a fruitful lead.
Are you ready... ?

Part one - Proven Ways To Get 'em Likes!
  • Add a Facebook widget on your blog
I love the wild web out there. I simply do. What I don't love, however, is reading an incredibly well-written article and not being able to share it and show it to my friends on Facebook. It's a pity, really...
Don't do this mistake. Don't be among those people who cannot keep track of their articles' shares and likes and who don't give their readers the opportunity to make your articles go viral.

A Facebook widget is perhaps one of the best things that you can do in this matter. You can either add it at the beginning of your article, at the end of it, or in a 'flying box' on the right hand part of your article. This way you make it easy for people to share your content and you can also keep track of the social activity your article generated.

Cool, huh? Hush, there's more about how to get Facebook likes...
  • Add a signature tool like WiseStamp
With WiseStamp you put your emails to work. As the name suggests, using this tool you can create awesome email signatures. Awesome... ? Yes! You can include not only your name and email address, but also small icons of social media platforms.

And guess what? Facebook is not the only one you can add. You can also include your Twitter account, your G+ profile, your LinkedIn address and even your RSS feed!

This way all those who receive an email from you have the opportunity to view your social media profiles and become a follower.

Still not enough info about how to get Facebook likes? Well...
  • You can also create a contest
Facebook contests are among the most used features of the social network.

Pay attention, though! The popular 'Like and Share' contests are illegal. Not many know this, but there are plenty of people who have woken up one morning and saw their official pages closed. Forever! And this was all because they encouraged followers to like and share in order to win something. So this is not a good answer on how to get Facebook likes... 

For you to be able to host a contest on Facebook, you will have to resort to Facebook Adds. They're great and I'm sure you'll love them.
  • Ask your friends to like your page
Perhaps the easiest way to increase the activity on your official page is to invite your friends to like your page. They know you personally, so they know you're an amazingly innovative person who shares cool stuff - so they will like your page.

The downside to this solution on how to get Facebook likes is that they are not necessarily an 'active' audience, meaning that they are not 100% interested in your activity. Maybe they are curious, but many of them are not the 'hungry for a solution' type of followers.
  • Ask your email list to like your page
So you have these clients in your email list and you keep in touch with them from time to time. You are on the right track but... what about having a more engaging conversation with your clients and prospects?

You know what would be really awesome? A daily conversation where they get to know you better, where they get to know you even on a personal level.

Here's a secret: you can do this. Send them an email with an invitation to join you on Facebook! What are you waiting for?
  • Add the link to your business card
Business cards - how traditional, right? But you can add a flavour of contemporaneity to it by making it virtual.


Include all your online information on it. Like, for example, your website address, your email address and... your Facebook URL Acheter des likes facebook. It's really easy to increase the number of followers if you know how to get Facebook likes, right?

If you want to go the extra mile, you can create a QR code for your website and your Facebook page and include them on your business card. This way people can access them directly from their smartphones.
  • Add your Facebook link to your "Thank You" pages
Another cool idea is to include your Facebook URL in your Thank You pages. If you made a sale, or simply you have a new subscriber to your newsletter list, it is good for them to know they can stay in touch with you through Facebook.
  • Include your Facebook page in your blog comments
Maybe a person likes your comment and thinks of it as being thoughtful. So they will want to find out more about you. And often times, a search on Google is too much to ask... So why not include a link to your Facebook page in your comments on blogs? It's a cool way to increase your audience and to keep them updated!

Part two - Going from Likes to Leads in one simple step

Now that you know how to get Facebook likes, let's see what you can do with them.

I am going to share with you one of my secret ingredients that gets me more leads than any other method. To be honest, I am amazed that there are not that many people already using it, because it is THE gold mine of leads. It is a strategy that I have been using for a long time and it is working like crazy - all the time, 24-7!

All you need to do is just include on your Facebook page those pages from your website where you offer free goodies. This is also done using Facebook Apps, but it's so simple to do, you'll be able to do it with your eyes closed.

Tip: Facebook does not allow unsecured websites to use the Apps feature. This means you will have to have.

Bonus tip: Boost posts can help you increase the impact of your posts. They will cost you a little extra money, but the bright side is that you have complete control over how much you want to spend. Nothing more, nothing less! And leads will come... like bees to honey!
Now, as always, I want to hear from you! Tell me...

Do you know other answers to this article's question, "How to get Facebook likes"? What did you try lately and didn't work or.. did work?

How much time do you spend per week to increase your Facebook likes? Is it worth it or you don't see any results by now?

Do you have any other tips, tricks, suggestions, or stories that would help everyone else who's reading?

Let's talk about it in the comments below. I can't wait to hear what you've got to share about how to get Facebook likes!


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